Archive for August 29th, 2008


Top 10 Upcoming Shows

Next month is September, when most new shows or returning shows return to syndication. So what should you be watching? Here is my Top 10 of what I will be watching.

10. Hole in the Wall 

9. American Dad

8. 30 Rock (NBC)

7. Crusoe (NBC)

6. Family Guy (Fox)

5. Knight Rider (NBC)

4. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Fox)

3. Chuck (NBC)

2. Fringe (Fox)

1. Heroes (NBC)


Top 8 Upcoming Movies

This year has been one of the best years for movies in recent movies. With such great movies as Dark Knight, Hulk, Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, and even a Indiana Jones movie thrown in there. This may be the best year for movies ever, but we about to enter Septemeber and what does the rest of the year hold for us? Here are my picks for the rest of this year.

8. Punisher: War Zone

7. The Spirit

6. Max Payne

5. Eagle Eye

4. Babylon A.D.

3. Transport 3

2. Quantum of Solace

1. The Day the Earth Stood Still

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas please feel free to email me: